Monday, December 26, 2011

I'm pretty sick right now, and have decided to just do a run through of my day. I didn't do what I said I was going to do today, because I woke up not feeling so well. I believe it's a cold. I'm pretty sure it is, actually. I pretty much made my bed, and laid about on the couch not feeling good, and spent the morning complaining about it to Alexander. My grandmother called, and told me to dress myself. She wanted me to go to Riverside to run some errands with her. I don't mind. I love spending time with my grandmother. She's pretty "chill" for lack of other phrase. So I jump in the shower, because it always makes me feel better, and get ready. She picked me up, and we headed off to Maly's (another beauty supply market). But before we went there, I had her stop by the corner beauty market so I could get my favourite eyeliner. I have some, but considering I don't have eyebrows and need to put them on everyday, I kind of need/go through a quite a bit. We stopped by, but they were closed for the holidays. So we headed off to Riverside to Maly's which was closed, as well. So then we headed in the direction to Clark's (a health food store), and I saw Good Will (a thrift store) on the way, and wanted to have a look in, and maybe pick up something new for myself, so we stopped by. I got a few new articles of clothing. We also went in another vintage thrift store right across the street. By the time we got done there we were starving so, she treated us to a late lunch at Carl's Jr. After lunch we went off to Clark's, and she got me some cold medicine, and some essentials for the house, and then went off to the See's Candies store. We went in and assembled a box for my brother to take to work. He asked us to grab it for him while we were out, and we also grabbed a few key-lime truffles for ourselves. Grandmum and I vented to each other about various things on the drive home.

Today was fairly productive. Even though, I didn't clean like I said I was going to, I feel productive. I like feeling productive. It's better than feeling like I'm wasting my life away and can do nothing about it. Maybe tomorrow, if the medicine does it's job, I can finish off my cleaning list and do some much needed homework. I need days like this. I feel good, regardless of my cold. The productiveness--doing something gives me less time to be depressed, and time to sit missing him. But I miss him still, that Alexander. Talking to him throughout the day just isn't enough sometimes. I can't wait to see him again. Whenever that is...

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